Revenue Management & Optimization In Decision Making LM SECS -P/09
Revenue Management for The Hospitality Industry
By attending the course, students will gain knowledge on the main themes and concepts on which the discipline is based, as well as sector-specific vocabulary. They will also be able to:
- recognize and process the main performance indicators with which to develop positioning strategie,
- determine the compset and therefore give strategic indications both for the realization of a saleable product and for the correct positioning of an existing product,
- correctly determine a functional market segmentation for interpreting the behavior of the demand and intercept changes by anticipating them through the creation of tariff and strategic tools,
- articulate a rate grid and consequent pricing strategy based on restrictions and derivations from higher levels,
- classify product types,
- analyze performance indicators and suggest strategic and operational corrections if necessary.
Luciano ScauriOwner – SKL International Consulting
Luciano Scauri vanta esperienze internazionali con grandi gruppi come Four Seasons, Hilton, Boscolo Hotels, Cigahotels, Starwood, e case di indiscusso prestigio come l’Hotel Ritz di Parigi e l’Hotel De Paris a Montecarlo e Alberghi storici come l’Hotel Dei Cavalieri di Milano. Più recentemente anche diverse piccole compagnie Alberghiere Locali, si sono aggiunte al portfolio. Al suo attivo ha diverse aperture di alberghi e si è specializzato nell’ area del Revenue Management disciplina per la quale tiene conferenze a livello nazionale all’ interno delle manifestazioni di settore e Master in ambito universitario a Università di Bologna BBS, Università di Pisa, Università Suor Orsola Benincasa Napoli, IULM MIlano. Docente referente presso la IATH International Academy of Tourism & Hospitality.